The Chinese Ministry of Health has suspected a 20-year-old nurse living in Beijing of contracting SARS. With SARS-like symptoms, and tests that highly infer SARS infection, 171 contacts have been tracked down for observation.
The Chinese Ministry of Health has reported three additional SARS cases, bringing the total to four. From Anhui Province, a mother turned ill and died on April 19. And at the Chinese National Institute of Virology in Beijing, where SARS research was conducted, a 26-year-old female and 31-year-old male laboratory researcher developed SARS-like symptoms.
SARS cases now add up to a total of eight from China, six of which are in Beijing and two in Anhui. Also, two doctors who had treated SARS patients have developed a fever and nearly 1000 contacts are under observation.
The Chinese Health Ministry reported a ninth new case of SARS in Beijing. Apparently this person was in contact with the 20-year-old nurse who was previously affected.
Up to now, four of the nine are considered "confirmed" cases while the rest are still "suspected".